Is vaccination key in the control of Strep. uberis mastitis? A proven field experience in The Netherlands
Once again, prevention through vaccination of Strep. uberis mastitis pays off! Today we are again in The Netherlands where local veterinarian Adriaan Beulens, passionate about milk quality, decided to go for mastitis vaccination as another tool in his tool-box to fight against Strep. uberis mastitis. Watch the video and see the amazing results obtained in these farms!
The field study
The field study was done in three commercial dairy farms (111, 127 and 130 dairy cows respectively) located in East of Netherlands with an average milk production of 9.076kg milk/year.
Cows on these farms are milked with different milking systems (two automatic milking systems and one milking parlour). All farms have historical problems with:
- High incidence of Strep. uberis clinical Mastitis (CM),
- High incidence of Strep. uberis subclinical Mastitis (SM) at herd level (elevated SCC levels)
- High antibiotic consumption (Defined Daily dose per animal DDDA).
These 3 parameters are a real headache in modern dairy farming across the globe.
Mastitis vaccination against Strep. uberis
With this situation on farms, decision about mastitis vaccination against Strep. uberis has been taken in October 2018.
All 386 cows located on 3 different farms received 3 shots as primo vaccination (with 5 weeks intervals) and then each single animal was boosted with one dose 6 months later.
From the beginning all 3 parameters were closely monitored by veterinary team involved.
The personnel looked after all clinical mastitis episodes, milk production and the use of Defined Daily Dose per Animal intramammary.
Due to high number of cows subclinically infected with Strep. uberis each somatic cell count at individual level was recorder every 4 weeks.
“Decision about mastitis vaccination against Strep. uberis was taken due to the high incidence of clinical and subclinical mastitis and the high antibiotic consumption.”
And what about results? Once again mastitis vaccination has proven its usefulness in Strep. uberis prevention. It reduced:
- Clinical mastitis by 40%.
- Number of intramammary interventions by 44%.
What is even more interesting, number of animals with SCC >100.00 and subclinical Strep. uberis infections after 6 months and 12 months decreased by 50% and 55% respectively.
“It is a fact that vaccination against Strep. uberis mastitis has proved again its role in improving milk quality in Netherlands. ”
Dear Hipra
I think your study regarding the efficacy of UBAC sounds interesting – is it possible to get any further details regarding the study? Has anything been published – any published articles or posters?
Thomas Dahl Nissen
Dear Thomas,
Thanks for your comment, of course you can find the information you are asking for, it can be found on the website of HIPRA, in the “knowledge” section. There you’ll find a much more studies about efficacy of mastitis vaccines.
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