New European legislation on veterinary medicine
In the last Quick talk from 2021, we had the opportunity to take a closer look at the EU legislation (REGULATION (EU) 2019/6 on antibiotic usage). Thanks to Malgorzata Cebula, legal advisor at HIPRA, who gave us an introduction to the new regulation.
During this brief session, we discussed what’s new, from when and how this new legislation will apply, how much time each country will have to implement it, what will change in the day- to-day routine at practice level and how the implementation will progress.
“The main point of the EU regulation is to strengthen the EU’s campaign against antimicrobial resistance, related to the concept of “One Health”.
As Malgorzata highlighted, national discretion will be allowed, meaning that you probably know by now how your local government has adapted the legislation in respect of wholesale distribution authorisations, the retail sale of veterinary medicinal products and record keeping and also the use of medicinal products…
What will change in veterinary practice?
Malgorzata reviews the prescription process, online sales, the EU database, the flexible prescription of “cascade” products, autovaccines and the principles for combatting antimicrobial resistance.
Also, there will be a mandatory on-farm monitoring system for antibiotic use in animals. Medicated feeds need to have a prescription and can only be used for 2 weeks.
We would like to thank Malgorzata for finding the time to prepare the session!